I have added a forum to the site. This will allow visitors to join and post screenshots (and other attachments) of any problems they have or just to chat about a subject.
I have removed the abilty to post comments on individual pages on this site.
New registered users will have to wait to post until I appove their registration (I will be quick to do this).
After which you will have full access with zero limits on the volume of posts.
Hopefully it will also reduce time spent having to go through comments waiting for approval and separating them from the spam (there is about 5-10 times more spam than genuine comments).
This is an adult forum and as such just about anything goes and no individual posts will be censored in any way.
But with that in mind please do not post anything illegal (which includes racist, homophobic or otherwise offensive content).
Please post only in English.
Also, please do try to post the correct subject matter to the correct forum 🙂
All old comments on individual pages have been saved and are still visable